Gadgets for book lovers

Bookish chess March 29, 2007

Filed under: Games — Kim @ 6:36 pm

Fancy a game of chess? Take a look at this chess set. It looks quite nice in its book case. It could even be a nice gift idea for someone who plays chess. Except… The set is quite expensive. I am sure you can buy yourself a very, very nice chess set for 193.72 euro’s! Anyway, if you want to learn more about it, click here.

Chess set


Escape the library March 23, 2007

Filed under: Games — Kim @ 12:53 am

On a rare occasion I post a link to a game. Since there are not a lot of ‘bookish’ games around, I seize the opportunity to bring you this one. It is one of those typical escape games. Except this one is in a library. I found it quite difficult, until my finance told me just to click on a lot of things. You can find the game here. Have fun!




Literature quizzes February 6, 2007

Filed under: Games — Kim @ 1:53 pm

You think you know lots about literature? Try your luck here! This is a website that lists quizzes on literature. How fun! I love stuff that test knowledge. These will keep you busy on a rainy (Sunday) afternoon!  There are questions on authors and genres. Most of these quizzes are quite difficult. So, good luck!



To give, or not to give? January 29, 2007

Filed under: Games,Gifts,Household,Humour,Jewelry — Kim @ 1:01 pm

This fun website had loads of Shakespeare related goodies. From décor pieces to Shakespeare mints and from Tempest jewellery to Shakespeare: the board game. They have loads of stuff. Nice gift ideas. Not only for readers, but theatre lovers too! Click here to shop!


Liebrary January 6, 2007

Filed under: Games — Kim @ 5:58 pm

I wondered for a while why the developers of the game gave it such a misspelled name. After reading the instructions, I understood! Each player will hear the title and a short description of a book. You have to make up a first line of the book to fool your fellow players into thinking yours is the genuine first line of the book. Basically, you have to lie. The player who reaches the end of the board first wins!

This game could be a lot of fun. I think I would win all the time. I would start every first line with ‘once upon a time’. Or is that to simple? Does anybody know this game?

Liebrary game



Authors Card Game January 3, 2007

Filed under: Games — Kim @ 2:10 pm

As I understand it, the Authors Card Game is a very old game. It must be typically American, since I had never heard of it before. The store says the game is similar to “Go Fish”. This, I do know. Anyway, these playing cards have the portraits of 13 writers on them. They also state the titles of four famous works of each of them. The first player who gets all four book titles by as many different authors wins the game. Since it also has the ‘usual’ pictures of cards, you can use the set for any other game you like too.

Authors Card Game


Let Jane Austen predict your future! December 29, 2006

Filed under: Games,Miscellaneous — Kim @ 1:10 pm

If you like to try your luck at tarot, you might like this new deck. It is based on the novels of Jane Austen. The pictures on the cards are beautiful. They depict characters and situations from her books. They still all have their traditional Tarot symbolism though. The cards are available on their own, or with a accompanying book. They will be on sale in March. You can pre-order or buy them here.

Jane Austen Tarot


Clue and Monopoly library sets December 27, 2006

Filed under: Games — Kim @ 9:27 pm

They are exactly the same as you know them already, these Clue and Monopoly games. Except these are packed in a box that look like a book. So, if you think of buying one of these games, you might prefer this version above the ‘original’!

Clue libraray set


Cut up poetry on your computer December 23, 2006

Filed under: Games — Kim @ 8:10 pm

Earlier I posted about the magnetic poetry for your fridge. It seems there is also a digital version. At this moment is is only available for Apple computers. You can download the program here.

Thanks to nrrdgrrl for submitting the link.


Game for Bookworms December 22, 2006

Filed under: Games — Kim @ 12:55 am

Known by some, loved by many. I have been very addicted to this game for a while. You have to link letters to make a word. The longer the words, the more points you get. You can even earn special tiles that increase the value of the words. There is an element of surprise when the red tiles appear. They burn away letters and may even cause you to lose the game. You can download the game for free for a short period, or play it online.
